Thrive Time Show | Blog Redesign

UI/UX - Web Design

As a member of the team, I get to work on a variety of projects. One of the biggest updates to the podcast, the blog page was in need of an upgrade. Here’s what I was able to come up with.

  • Before:
  • After:

The overall concept for this design was to create a more visually engaging experience for visitors. We wanted the distractions to be minimized. To accomplish this, we used some behind the scenes photos to liven up the page visually above the fold, and pushed the advertising and text content below the fold.

Not pictured in the design mockup is the ability to navigate to next and previous posts by hovering over the main header graphic. On hover, two semi-opaque bars are displayed on either side of the main header image. This functionality also translates to mobile and touch devices with the ability to navigate to next and previous posts with a swipe left for newer posts and right for the older posts.